Some 3 metres above the driveway I noticed a dark shape on the overhead wire to the house;All I could distinguish was a white "tip" hanging down.
Was it a night bird?
I raced back indoors and grabbed my faithful digicam:
No,not a bird,but a ring-tailed possum waiting for the coast to be clear in order to have a feed from the bird trays!
He/she sat patiently whilst I used the flash and my little Kodak and this is one of 10 or so shots.Apologies for not having clearer shot,but.......................!

1 comment:
We have a ringtail that visits us most nights. We leave apple out, and it is a race between the bushytail and the ringtail possums as to who gets there first. Both possums know us well enough now to allow us to pat them gently. DEAR little critters!!!!!!
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