Tuesday, January 03, 2006


With the weather so warm outside I was enjoying the air con yesterday whilst blogging;
Suddenly the air con started clunking----

Oh oh! Before I'd reacted sufficiently to turn the thing off....
something got spat out,and landed in my hair!!
A Huntsman spider had gotten in the way of the fan and got sliced and diced!!
I think I need to reposition my desk!

The technical side of the story,if you're interested!
Heteropoda jugulans
This spider is about 20 mm long and lives on or under bark from eucalypt trees (or on keyboards).


Dawn said...

YIPES!!!! CRASH!!! BANG!!!! SMASH!! (. . . what would be happening if that 'thing' landed on my keyboard!! . . . )

Maureen said...

Must admit that I freaked out when "parts" landed on my head!